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Monday, February 21, 2011

"Mom" for a day

At first you may think, I thought this blog was about dogs. It is, but this story is just reassurance that I have chosen the right devotion: my dogs. I always thought I was suppose to be a mom. And to be honest, I thought I would be a mom by now, but God had his own plans. And I must say I didn't agree with God's plan at first, but they have truly taken me to a place in my life that I could never imagine. And of course, His plans are always the right plans, you just have to be faithful!

Yesterday, I thought I would try out my skills at being a "mom" and babysit my 3 month old nephew. Before I go any further, I have to tell you that I have fallin' in love with this little monster more than I ever thought I would! He is the cutest, sweetest baby boy and I truly miss him when he is not around. My brother and sister-in-law created a beautiful baby boy and they have done amazingly with him. So they have definitely set the bar high for Michael and myself.

With that being said, the bar may be too high. I was so proud of myself taking on a 3 month old, taking him to Kohl's, going to Michael's soccer game, etc. Well it did not turn out to be a day of fun for any of the babies involved (and yes I'm including myself as one of the babies). The poor thing was so upset. He cried and cried and cried (which in turn made me cry and cry and cry). And not just the fake cry, but the bellowing "I'M SO MAD" cry (him not me, though I was close). So I checked the three things that babies cry over: diaper, sleep and food. And to no avail, nothing made him a happy. :(  So what do I do? I call my mommy...

"MOMMY!!! He won't stop crying, I don't know what to do..." My mother suggests that we meet up and maybe give up my babysitting duties (at this point she may realize as well that maybe I shouldn't raise children). I  hand over my sweet crying little nephew to my mother in defeat (who knew a 3 month old could take you out so quickly). As my mother holds him and says "It's going to be OK sweetie," my dad is uttering the same words to me as he holds me. Thank goodness I'm still a daddy's little girl!  I then think of a solution to my day: a really big ice cold beer at Texas Roadhouse. I must say, I do not know how mother's out there do it, but I have so much more appreciation for what they do!

With my tail between my legs I accept my fate: I think I'm suppose to raise dogs! :)

**Please see disclaimer below

The Little Monster: My Nephew :)
** Disclaimer: Come to find out, the little monster is starting to gets his teeth and that is what made him so upset... so I'm told.


  1. This made me laugh until I had tears running down by cheek. Love you, mom

  2. He is teething and not happy about it... next time give him a little shot of tylenol or booze :-) He loves his aunt jenn to pieces. You are a great aunt and will be a great mommy.

  3. I remember thinking that Noelle was going to break into pieces when she started crying, but she grew out of it. You just need to get used to the wailing :)))
    Love you and your blog. Can't wait to read more about YOUR babies!
