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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When it rains...

I recently purchased some books, such as Great Expectations, Pride & Prejudice, etc. and I placed them on my coffee table to make me feel and/or look sophisticated (if you know me, you know that I'm not that sophisticated, but I was trying). Last week according to our trustworthy meteorologist it was suppose to rain. So we did what we thought was the smart thing to do and closed the back door and left the dogs in the house, avoiding any mud damage to our house. Let me say, this has been done before, with no problems. I returned home from my hard day of work and this is what I found:

I think the dogs called my bluff on being sophisticated and I will be looking for a new meteorologist because the rain did not make a showing! (the poor plant was a victim that was in the wrong place at the wrong time)


  1. You got to love my granddogs are you would kill them. Love you, Mom
